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Sometimes the product specifications from the manufacturer may change, in which case we will do our best to offer you a substitute of the same or better quality at the same price. If you are not happy with the replacement you can return it in accordance with our 30 day money back guarantee. Where applicable, you may cancel your order and you may return the item free of charge. All sizes and measurements are approximate but we do try to make sure that they are as accurate as possible. On the rare occasion that there is an error, we will advise you about it as soon as possible.

30 Day Money back Guarantee

We want you to be totally satisfied with every purchase you make from Granbergs. It is our aim to offer you value and quality. So if, for any reason, you are not completely happy with your purchase, simply return it within 30 days of delivery, unused in its original packaging together with the receipt. We'll exchange it or offer you a full refund and that's guaranteed!

If you decide within 30 days that you would like to return an item purchased from this website, you can return it to us. In addition, all Granbergs’ products are guaranteed against manufacturing defects for a minimum of 12 months. You have a right to cancel your order for any item purchased on this website, for a full refund. To cancel you can email us, or write to us within seven days of delivery of your items, quoting your order number.

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